Shit yea!

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THIS. IS. AWESOME. Heh. "awaken". Barda and Scott Free are my favorite comic book couple for a reason. ;-) I too would like the see the submissions collected.

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Definitely see She Hulk carrying Cloud

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Always ready for She-Hulk art 😩👌💚💚💚💚💚💚

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Thank you so much for this!

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Had way too much fun with this! Thank you for making this template. Being silly with this helped lift my mood after a particularly stressful week. https://twitter.com/MarronMarvel/status/1527760980762976256

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How do I download the picture? Also I love your artwork

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I hope I'm not like, a billion years late, but I'd love to take a crack at this if you still have the PSD available :') if not it's all good

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