Love!!! Also appreciate the desktop wallpaper 💜

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I don’t even go to this school, and I’m dying for the poison Ivy shoes 💚

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I don’t even really care about shoes that much but I suddenly really want a pair of those Ivy’s!

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These look incredible!!!

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Well looks like we are going to try to snag some new shoes haha. That wallpaper looks amazing on desktop! Phew! <3

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I need everything!!!!!!!!!

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Anyway this promo art can turn into a comic cover ?

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LOVE THIS 😻😻😻 I want the whole collection

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Gorgeous!!! Also I had no idea you started a substack with your art - I missed it so much!! Happy to find it again.

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In a word: GORGEOUS! You nailed it (again). I would be satisfied if they make the boxes and tags available internationally.

Thanks for the wallpapers in different sizes. I have the feeling that each time I adapt a wallpaper of yours I‘m missing 2/3 or it looks squeezed.

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Omg the shirts, especially the Poison Ivy one. Ahhhhhh so want

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omfggggg i would kill for both shoes

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